Customized Insurance Agency Newsletters, Content, and Marketing

for Insurance Agencies & Industry Partners

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Insurance Newsletters templates

Easily communicate your message with minimum time and effort on your part with our Insurance Newsletters. Helps Insurance Agencies and Brokerages Retain Clients, Attract New Customers. Services Include:

Customized Insurance Newsletters

A customized newsletter is well received by clients and warm prospects. It helps personalize your agency, most especially in the age of the internet when there is less personal interaction between the agency and the client. Your newsletter will provide them with useful advice and make them aware of changes and risks that are evolving which may affect them. Our newsletter tool lets you:

  • Submit a custom greeting or announcement
  • Choose from 4,000 articles
  • Modify content for your agency’s needs
  • Submit your own articles (editing available)
  • Submit your agency photos and logo
  • Keep your clients up to date on agency changes, new services.

Content, Social Media Management

If you are looking for content for your insurance agency’s or brokerage’s web page or social media pages, is here to help.

You can purchase a content subscription that allows you unlimited article downloads throughout the year to use on your company’s blog or communications with clients. Our articles are informative and designed to educate your clients, but without bogging them down with industry jargon.

InsuranceNewsletters can manage your social media and blog, posting timely new articles once or twice a week.

Marketing Mailers

Expertly-designed marketing mailers bring awareness to:

  • Multi-policy discounts
  • The need for an umbrella policy
  • Other lines offered by your agency
  • When a policy needs to be renewed or reviewed
  • Announcing a new team member or new services

Our professional marketing team will create ad copy designed to get maximum attention from the recipient and to initiate a call to your agency. We will work with you to ensure branding continuity by using your logo and any photos unique to your agency’s brand. We offer print and mail services for postcards and other marketing material.

Why Market to Existing Clients and Prospects?

Reaching out to your existing clients is absolutely the “best bang for the buck” when it comes to agency marketing. And it’s much easier to convert warm prospects who you’ve had contact with into clients and policies than it is to convert cold prospects. Our cost-effective services help you:

  • Cross sell to existing clients
  • Get quality referrals
  • Increase retention
  • Warm up prospects
  • Boost your website rankings
  • Get you noticed on social media

Insurance agencies need a newsletter that provides their clients with news they can use to better understand their insurance and the trends affecting their coverage.

Articles for any type of insurance agency:

  • Personal Lines
  • Commercial Lines
  • Employee Benefits
  • Personal Planning (life, health, long-term care insurance, Medicare, real estate, financial planning)

What articles cover:

  • Current trends affecting risk and insurance
  • Coverage of legal and regulatory changes
  • Loss control and prevention
  • Primers and how-to articles
  • Reminder articles on deadlines and impending changes
Insurance newsletters articles

Article & Content Library

Protect Your Medicare Card and Number to Avoid Fraud, ID Theft

In today's connected world, your personal data is a valuable asset, and your Medicare number is no exception.

Fraudsters target Medicare cards because they act as a unique identifier that grants access to protected health information and financial data. Keeping your Medicare number secure is essential to protecting your medical records and preventing identity theft. Here's how to protect your card and Medicare number.

13 Medicare Freebies You Should Take Advantage Of

Once people turn 65 they are required to sign up for plans Medicare Parts A and B, together are known as "Traditional Medicare." To get necessary coverage for drugs, seniors should also sign up for Part D. If they don't at first, and sign up later, they can face a lifetime penalty for not doing so and it increases the longer they wait to sign up.
While many of the services covered by Traditional Medicare come at a cost, some have no out-of-pocket costs on your part.

Medicare and Dental Coverage: What You Need to Know

A common misunderstanding about Medicare is that it does not cover any dental care, leaving beneficiaries to pay all dental expenses out of pocket. While it's true that Original Medicare does not include routine dental services, there are several ways for seniors to obtain coverage.

Disability Insurance Can Save You from Financial Ruin

Have you ever thought about how you would survive if you became permanently injured or became too ill to work? Would you be able to survive on the average disability checks from Social Security of about $1,100 a month?

Would your savings be enough to tide you over for the rest of your life?

Workers Who File Claims More Likely to File Subsequent Ones

A new study has found that people who have had workers' comp claims in the past are more likely to file future claims compared to those who have never suffered an on-the-job injury.

The study – the subject of an article published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine – concluded that a past claim is the most predictive factor in determining the likelihood of future workers' comp claims.

So what can you do as an employer?

Protect Yourself against Liability Exposure from Contractors' Employees

Employment law has long recognized that workers may have an employment relationship with multiple entities at the same time. That means your company could get stung with OSHA fines, Title VII discrimination claims and other actions that arise from the actions of an employee that you thought was a subcontractor.

Here's how to protect yourself from joint employer liability.

Workplace Distractions Hurt Your Employees and Your Business

Workplace distractions are ever-present. They reduce workers' productivity, increase their stress, cause injuries and lower morale. Some are the result of modern technology, but others have been around a lot longer.

Following an interruption, it typically takes a couple of minutes to return concentration to work. These short interruptions and recovery periods add up to large amounts of lost productive time. There are a multitude of distractions that can affect employee safety and productivity that employers need to be aware of.

What to Know About Vacant Buildings and Insurance

The office vacancy rate is 20.1% in the U.S., according to Moody's. That's a 30-year high, with more than 900 million square feet of office space empty — enough to fill New York City's One World Trade Center 300 times.

When buildings lack occupants, they become susceptible to a variety of problems. And if your building is vacant, you may have trouble getting your claim paid in case of damage.

More Contractors Increase Deductibles to Reduce Insurance Premiums

As construction projects become larger and more complicated, contractors are taking on more of the risk by increasing their builder's risk insurance deductibles, according to a recent report.

Michael Cusack, executive vice president of Alliant Specialty, told <i>Insurance Business</i> magazine that contractors are willing to take on more of the risk as those that have strong internal risk management regimens will be rewarded with lower premiums, particularly if they can stave off expensive claims.

But there are risks to raising your deductible. Here's what you need to consider before making a move.

Renter's Insurance, the Affordable Peace of Mind

Nearly half of renters are uninsured for fire, natural disaster and burglary, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

Why do so many people take this unnecessary risk? Some may think that their landlord's insurance will cover any claims, or they think that only houses are broken into — and not apartments. But the fact is that more apartments are broken into than homes, and apartments also burn. Worse yet, if a fire starts in one unit it may affect nearby apartments, as well.

Your Car's 'Black Box' Can Save You Money

Once only in commercial aircraft, "black box" event recorders are now standard in most new cars sold in the U.S.

Like on a plane, in the wake of a crash, the black box analyzes the cause and effects of an incident. The data has many other potential uses – for insurance companies, lawyers and police, for instance. Having one in your vehicle can also save you money and possible exonerate you if you're accused of being at fault in an accident.

EEOC Issues Guidance on Wearable Technologies

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in December 2024 published a new fact sheet with guidance on the use of wearable technologies in the workplace.

More employers are requiring employees to use wearables, which are digital devices like rings, fitness trackers, watches, glasses or helmets that are embedded with sensors that may track bodily movements, collect biometric information and/or track location. While these devices may improve productivity and workplace safety, the EEOC warns employers in its fact sheet that they may face legal risks if they track and store personal information.

Taking the hassle out of insurance agency marketing.

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