Quick n Dirty Marketing Plan Series Part 4: Broadening Your Brand’s Reach

The ideas we’ve gone through so far are the cornerstones of branding and marketing. But in 2010, why not take it a step further? Why not take your marketing to the extreme? Here are some additional brand awareness ideas:

  • Radio show: Many local radio stations let agents buy advertising time—but how about proposing a short series of radio programs to your local talk radio station? They can be scripted programs that discuss current events in insurance or evergreen topics, or they can be call in shows during which you answer consumer questions.
  • Television: You’ve probably seen your fill of television commercials for local law firms, so how about one for your insurance agency? There are many time slots and stations that your cable company can sell you ad time on and chances are they have a team of videographers and editors that they outsource commercial creation to. It can’t hurt to call and find out how affordable the packaged deals are.
  • Newspaper advertising: Many people overlook this valuable resource. A simple advertisement in the classified section—or in a more prominent area—can bring in a few extra clients.
  • Yearbook and alumni newsletters: Not only might you advertise to someone who already recognizes and trusts you when advertising in yearbooks and alumni newsletters, you also have tight control over who sees your message and can craft a very targeted ad which increases your chances of getting clients from the piece.
  • Community, group and church newsletters: Find out if your local, smaller papers accept sponsorship or advertisements. You really need to sink your marketing teeth into your local community so your agency is associated with the community in the same way the local schools, favorite restaurants and popular shopping malls are.
  • Trade magazine articles: Creating articles, or buying pre-written insurance articles and personalizing them, for placement in trade magazines is a great way to raise your profile and earn some professional recognition.
  • Sponsoring local youth sports teams: Someone has got to pay for those uniforms the local kids wear while playing baseball, golf, basketball, football and bowling. Why not let it be your agency? You get to do something good, get your name in front of all the parents and relatives of the kids and associate a positive image with your agency.
  • Community group membership: Joining your local Toastmasters group, neighborhood watch, or bowling league helps put a human face to all the advertising your agency does and can increase the trust that prospective clients have for you.