The Importance of Communication in a Turbulent Economy

Every day, whether they like it or not, your clients are bombarded with news about the troubled economy. They sit and watch as CEOs are replaced, new policies are discussed, and stock values rise and fall. Some of these events are truly cause for concern and others are simply fear mongering tactics used to create news channel profits. But the fear mongering doesn’t just create profits for television stations and it isn’t just perpetrated by the television station your client favors; it is also used as a tactic of other agents to help turn your client into their client.

Through selling fear to your clients, another agent could convince them that the insurance company you sold them a policy for will not be able to pay claims or they may convince your client that the policy you sold them does not offer the best value or benefits for them. If your client is uninformed, they may easily buy into the propaganda.

The only way to combat this is through educating and staying in touch with your client on a consistent basis. Depending on the size of your client list, you and your staff may not be able to call each client regularly to stay in touch, so you must find other methods of creating consistent, valuable contact. By educating your client often with newsletters, blogs, and websites, you help to create a strong foundation of trust and education within your clients. This foundation can help them avoid the lure of an agent who capitalizes on fear.

In addition to providing a resource that helps keep your client persistency up during a bad economy, the regular contact provided by newsletters and a strong web presence helps your client feel connected to you and gives the impression that you are available to them as a resource—not just as a salesperson.

Help your clients feel safe and secure—as though you are their life raft on the choppy water of this economy. Stop their roving eye and help them avoid the complications that can accompany unnecessary insurance policy changes. Provide them with an easy to create educational resource that keeps you available and in demand.