Content is King

Most insurance agencies struggle to stay in front of their clients on a regular basis and the result is that they are easily poached by competitors. 

Agencies that regularly push to their clients content that is relevant to their business and risk management efforts boost their retention as well. 

The problem is that regularly creating and disseminating that content to clients and prospects a heavy lift for most insurance agencies and brokerages. Even regional and national level brokerages struggle to be consistent in their messaging and advice. has a massive library of content to choose from for any line of insurance. Our seasoned insurance writers and journalists write more than 30 timely, well-researched and engaging articles a month.’s proprietary content and newsletter delivery system allows you to quickly post articles on your social media and blog and to send out newsletters to your clients. Our tool also helps you track open rates and clicks and allows you to tailor your messaging just the way you want it. You can even edit the articles we write if you want to add your own messaging. 

Finally, our crack design team can also create a newsletter banner just for your agency to ensure branding continuity. 

Besides staying in touch with your clients, our content will also establish you as an authority they’ll pay attention to, which in turns boosts your and your agency’s reputation.